Private Lessons
If you are interested in private lessons, please fill out this Athlete Lesson Request form and contact the coaches on the form.
Personal indoor or outdoor volleyball training sessions for 1-4 players, customized with specific skills by your own private coach.
- Sessions for 1-4 Players
- Adaptable Areas of Emphasis
- High Repetition, Personal Feedback
- Lessons Available for:
- Middle School (Grades 5-8)
- High School (Grades 9-12)
- College (Freshman-Senior)
- Adult (All Ages)
- Boys and Girls
*Please note that private lessons are dependent upon gym and coach availability. Certain times of the year will have more availability than others.
Group Session
Up to four players and a coach. Players grouped to enhance complementary skills (preferred): setter and hitters, passers and setter, hitters and defenders, blocking, etc. Little fatigue means high quality repetitions, also game-like visualization benefits, and value of camaraderie. Lowest individual focus, lowest amount of repetitions, lowest personal cost.
Two-Person Session
Two players and a coach. Players are paired in ways that will enhance both the quality of repetition and the ability of the coach to teach complementary or comparable skills. Suggested pairings are setter with a hitter, hitter with a libero/DS, or two players of the same position. There is some value in visualization also, watching the other player attempt the given skills. Shared individual focus, shared repetitions, lower cost per player.
Individual (Private) Lesson
The player is by themself with a coach. High quantity of repetition, individual one-on-one focus means personalized instruction and attention. Excellent for setters. Players with beginning to moderate skills in passing, serving, and hitting fundamentals. Highest individual focus, highest repetitions (which may cause fatigue), highest cost per player, lowest game-like visualization.
The benefits to signing up for private volleyball lessons are tremendous, but some of the most common benefits that players see from adding private lessons to their routine include:
- Restore Confidence: Private volleyball lessons really give a player the extra attention to fine tune their talents and skills, while turning weaknesses into strong points. One-on-one private coaching increases an athlete’s ability to reach their full potential, while targeting weaker areas on the court, and improving those areas by targeting a plan specifically made for the player.
- Prepare For School Teams: Maintain your skill level and keep your body in tip top shape for the time that your school’s volleyball season comes around. Our coaches provide inspiration and motivation that not only push players, but also help instill confidence in their game. When returning to your school’s volleyball team, you will be more than ready when you hit the court for practice, but also for your games!
- Position: With the various positions found in volleyball, every player is trained differently, based on their position on the court. Not only is every player different, due to their own strengths and weakness, but each position varies. By combining training for both the player’s individual talents + fine tuning their position on the court, our private volleyball lessons are perfectly catered to give you the highest increase in your game.
Private volleyball lessons can be held at various locations including Cedar Park Rec Center (CPRC), High Point Center, Premier Athletic Complex (PAC), Round Rock Sports Center (RRSC), Summit Christian Academy (SCA) and Austin Sports Center (ASC). The coach will work with you to coordinate availability and location.
Click Here for Maps to our Playing Locations.
Below is a list of common issues that can be corrected with focused instruction.
Standing Servers
- Inconsistent toss
- Stepping with wrong foot
- Dropping elbow below ear
- Side arm swing
Jump Servers
- Inconsistent toss
- Wrong footwork
- Hand placement on ball
- Erratic serve locations (too high, too far, too wide)
- Strength to set outside
- Spin on sets
- Sets too tight
- Inconsistent location
- Dropping hands when setting
- Arching back when setting behind
- Improper footwork
Serve Receive
- Base position too high
- False step when moving forward
- Standing up before moving to ball
- Bending elbows instead of angling platform
- Crossing feet instead of shuffling
- Waiting too long to react
- Lack of aggression
- Swinging platform when passing
- Timing (jump too early/late)
- Feet to the ball
- Ball behind hitting shoulder
- “Goofy foot” (improper footwork)
- Arm swing
- Scissor/chair legs when attacking
- No use of core muscles for power
- Lack of rotation in hips and upper body
- Hopping/Skipping during approach
- Broad jumping towards the net
- Landing on one leg
- Shanking passes to left or right
- Getting feet to the ball
- Bending elbows
- Crossing feet
- False step backwards
- Standing up
- Slow reaction times
- Confusion between perimeter and rotation defense
- Watching ball instead of hitter or setter
- Letting balls drop between two players
- Fear of diving for a ball
Not sure where to start? Email us and we can help you decide what’s best for your athlete:
Ready to get started with your private volleyball lessons?
Send us an email with your athlete’s name, age, info: