Please see questions we’ve been asked frequently. Of course, if there is a question you have that’s not found below, please contact us by sending us mail through our Contact Us page.
What are tryouts like?
Depends on the numbers and experience of the participants, tryouts can be a bit intimidating. Everyone is trying to make the best team possible and showcase their skills in front of the coaches making difficult decisions. Our tryouts will do basic agility, height, vertical and serve testing to begin with. We then run the athletes through a series of drills to determine playing abilities. We rate our athletes on the following skills, serve receive, hitting, setting, serving, blocking and digging. We then ask our athletes to play in a series of games to determine the following cognitive areas; court sense, competition, leadership and team player. There may be periods of standing around while an athlete waits for their turn. There might also be periods of intense activity. Generally the athletes who are alert and pay attention to the coach’s instructions appear much calmer during the drills than others.
My daughter has played many seasons of recreational volleyball (like Spike Frog) and/or has participated in advanced volleyball training (like Training for Excellence), is club the next level for her?
Most likely your daughter has experienced different levels of competition, talents and abilities in her seasons and training. She is probably ready to attend a tryout to see how her skills compare to her peers. If accepted, she will get to practice with a team of similar abilities. She will get an opportunity to compete with that team far more than a recreational season or advanced volleyball training will provide. Club Lite would be a good introductory option for your athlete as well.
How long is the season?
Regular club teams will begin practicing the first week in December and finish in late April/early May (National teams play through June). Club Lite teams will begin practicing the first week in January and finish in late April/early May. There will be no practices over Christmas and Spring break.
What if my athlete has a school conflict with a practice night because of a school function?
School comes before club, but every athlete should prepare well in advance for those situations and let coaches know of any conflicts. Missing practices may affect playing time in tournaments.
What other costs can I expect outside of the season fees?
Fees do NOT include personal travel to and from the tournament locations or practices, meal expenses associated with that travel or any tournament merchandise.
How much does it cost to play club?
Depends on the age and team level. You can find them on our season fees page.
What do those fees cover?
Your season fees cover uniforms (socks, knee pads, shorts, jerseys, practice shirts, warmups and backpack), coaches’ salaries and travel, tournament entry fees, practice facility rental and team volleyball equipment. Fees for older age groups (16s-18s) also include college recruiting assistance and advice from college coaches
How often does the team practice?
Regular club teams practice twice a week for two hours. Travel and National teams practice 2-3x a week. Club Lite teams practice once a week for two hours.
Where do the teams practice?
The teams may practice at the following locations – High Hopes Sports Center (Cedar Park), Premier Athletic Complex (Leander), Austin Sports Center (Cedar Park), Round Rock Sports Center (Round Rock), Summit Christian Academy (Cedar Park).
Is club volleyball a requirement to play in High School?
Club volleyball and high school volleyball are separate organizations and it is NOT a requirement to play one or the other. Careful observation shows that many of the most successful high school volleyball programs in the area contain a roster full of girls who play club volleyball. Many of the high school coaches also coach club volleyball.
How much playing time will my daughter get?
Coaches are instructed to play all athletes fairly, but they do not have to play equally. ALL players will get guaranteed PRACTICE time, but not guaranteed PLAYING time. The rules of the volleyball game allow for a certain number of substitutions and only in certain positions. Each team has a different makeup of positions, thus it’s virtually impossible to play all athletes equally. “Fair” is a broad term and depends on the coach.
Where are the tournaments held?
For our Regional teams, they will mostly play in local tournaments that do not require an overnight stay. We will plan to play in 1-3 multi-day tournaments such as Lone Star Classic (Dallas) and Lone Star Regionals in (Austin/Houston). The Travel and National teams will have a much larger travel schedule and play several multi-day tournaments that will require several overnight stays. They will also play in out of state tournaments for opportunities to play in front of college coaches.
For Club Lite teams, they mostly play in local one day tournaments around the Austin/San Antonio area.
How many players are on a team?
Velocity teams will have 10-12 players on a team. Only under extraordinary circumstances (injury, talent, time commitments, etc.) might there be consideration to have a team of 9 players or up to 12 players on a team. After the tryout, 10 players are chosen and then a list of alternates is proposed. Once your athlete is chosen, a deposit is required for that athlete to secure their spot on the team. Should an athlete not make the payment or decide not to join the team, then a player from the list of alternates may be contacted and chosen to join.
How often are the tournaments?
Tournaments will start in December/January and roughly play 2 per month. Depending on the level of the team, they might play more or less. Club Lite teams play 4-6 total Jan-Apr.
When can we see the tournament schedule?
The tournament schedule will be released in November.
Which tryouts should I attend and how do I tell the right club for my daughter?
Probably one of the most frequent questions we get asked by first time club parents. Every parent has different goals for their athlete. Most clubs have a significant time and cost investment. Some clubs have different philosophies. Certainly you should do your homework and visit each club’s website to see if you can find one that meets your needs. The best place to find all clubs in the Austin area is http://www.lsvolleyball.org/Links/linkaustin.htm
Do you offer scholarships?
At this time we do not have scholarships available.
If my athlete quits during the season, can I get a refund?
Once your athlete makes the team, you will be required to sign a contract which commits you to payment of fees in full according to the schedule set forth. There are no refunds offered, sorry.
Why do we have to put down so much money before the season even starts?
Much of a club’s expenses are due even before the season starts. Uniforms have to be ordered and received in advance, practice jerseys and apparel ready for first practices and tournament fees need to be paid before a team can be assured of their tournament schedule. Many facilities require an advance payment before using their facility for practice as well.