How much does it cost?
For kids on the 10s, 11s, and 12s teams, the cost is $1500. Payments are divided up into 4 installments of $375.
For kids on the 12s, 13s, 14s, 15s, and 16s teams, the cost is $1700, divided up into 4 installments of $425
Who should play?
Any volleyball athlete wishing to get a higher level of competition, at a lower cost and time commitment.
What age groups will we have?
Age is determined by “how old will your athlete be on 7/1/2021?” We will make teams in 10s, 11s, 12s, 13s, 14s, 15s, and 16s. It’s possible to make multiple teams for the same age group. It’s also possible that if we don’t have enough players to make a team in one age group, we might combine with the one above and form a team.
How many teams?
We expect to make the following teams
10s – 1 team
11s – 1 team
12s – 2 teams
13s – 2 teams
14s – 2 teams
15s – 1 team
16s – 1 team
How many tournaments?
Athletes on the 10s-12s will play in 4 tournaments.
Athletes on the 13s-16s will play in 6 tournaments.
How long is a season?
The season starts practicing the week of January 4, 2021 and lasts until the final tournament at the end of April, possibly beginning of May 2021.
Practice over Spring Break?
No practices will be held from Mar 15-19, 2021.
What if we miss a practice or tournament?
We understand an occasional miss of a practice due to sickness or school responsibilities. With only one practice per week, missing out might hurt your opportunity to play in the tournament, especially if the coach teaches offensive systems where your athlete might get confused. Make every effort to attend. If you miss a tournament, there are no consequences. The team should still be able to have enough members to compete.
How many practices a week?
One practice per week
How long is a practice?
Practices are 2 hours long
What nights are practices?
Due to so much variability with COVID and sport seasons, we are asking our coaches which night(s) work for their schedule. Tentatively, it’s
Who’s coaching?
Currently we have committed the following coaches and we will continue to add as they are approved.
11s-Kendi Knop
13s-Matt Zink
14s-Wayne Lauritzen
What’s the difference between Boss Frog Pro and Club Lite?
Boss Frog Pro is a advanced, recreational level volleyball league based in the Cedar Park area. Typically a season lasts from March-April with one practice per week over 8 weeks. Boss Frog Pro teams play one game each Saturday against another Boss Frog Pro team. With a mid-season and end of season tournament, Boss Frog Pro teams can expect 10-12 matches in a season.
Club Lite teams pull members from within 50 miles of Cedar Park. Their season runs January-April with one practice per week over 16 weeks. Club Lite teams play in tournaments against opponents typically from all Austin areas with some San Antonio, Waco and Temple teams attending. These tournaments will have 3-4 matches for a total of 12-24 matches in a season.
How many players on a team?
10 players per team
Does everyone make the team?
No, unfortunately, Club Lite teams are considered select or elite. These teams will make cuts and keep the best players.
How do I know if my player is good enough?
It’s hard to gauge exactly what will qualify your athlete for the team. Our #1 skill to evaluate is the athlete’s serve as it is the most important skill in volleyball. If your athlete can consistently serve the volley-lite (ages 10-12) or the regulation volleyball (ages 13-16) overhand from behind the back serving line, her chance of making the team are much improved. While getting the serve over may seem like success, our evaluators also take into account serve difficultly (ie. a line drive serve is better than a high, loopy serve). The second, most important skill is passing a served ball to target (aka, the setter). Both serving and passing skills weigh heavily into the chances of your athlete making a team. While setting and spiking are also fantastic skills to display, they are not weighted as heavily as the others.
Do athletes have to wear masks for practice? For games?
Currently, yes. Masks will be worn for practices and in tournaments.
Is my daughter too young to play?
If your daughter is turning 10 years old before 7/1/2021, no, she is eligible to play. If she will be 9 still, feel free to send us an email with your situation.
Can parents attend tournaments?
At most tournaments, one spectator will be allowed. But with the rapidly changing nature of COVID, that may change to allow for more.
What do my fees cover?
Fees cover court rental, coach salary, game uniform, practice shirt, spandex, knee pads, tournament fees, and team volleyball equipment.
What extra expenses might I incur?
Most tournaments require an entrance fee for spectators. You may wish to purchase fan gear such as a shirt to support your athlete. Any travel to and from tournaments or practices along with any meal expenses incurred will be your responsibility.
Does my daughter get to play with her friends?
Yes! As long as her friend meets the qualifications to play on a Club Lite team. (See answer to “How do I know if my athlete is good enough?”)
Where are the tournaments located?
Tournaments are mostly located in the Austin area. On rare occasions, the furthest travel would be San Antonio.
Do we have to travel?
The longest drive to a tournament might be 90 minutes.
Who do we play against in the tournaments?
Other club teams. The idea of “Club Lite” is not shared widely among other club teams in the area. It’s likely that your team will play against other “Full Club” teams that have more practices, tournaments, and coaches on their staff.
What’s a typical tournament day look like?
Tournaments are typically held in a “morning wave” or “afternoon wave” A morning wave starts at 8 am and finished by 2 pm. An afternoon wave starts at 2 pm and finishes by 9 pm. Teams can expect to play against 3-4 other teams in a best 2-out-of-3 format. While some may have matches back to back, there is usually an opportunity to rest, eat and prepare for your next match somewhere in the schedule. All teams will be expected to take turns with keeping score, line judging, and refereeing a match between two other opponents.